Source code for bigone.client

# coding=utf-8

import jwt
import requests
import time

from .exceptions import BigoneAPIException, BigoneRequestException

[docs]class Client(object): API_URL = '' SIDE_BID = 'BID' SIDE_ASK = 'ASK'
[docs] def __init__(self, api_key, api_secret): """Big.One API Client constructor :param api_key: Api Key :type api_key: str :param api_key: Api Secret :type api_key: str .. code:: python client = Client(api_key, api_secret) """ self.API_KEY = api_key self.API_SECRET = api_secret self.session = self._init_session()
def _init_session(self): session = requests.session() headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'python-bigone'} session.headers.update(headers) return session def _create_uri(self, path): return '{}/{}'.format(self.API_URL, path) def _create_signature(self, ): headers = {'typ': 'JWT', 'alg': 'HS256'} payload = { 'type': 'OpenAPI', 'sub': self.API_KEY, 'nonce': int(time.time() * 1000000000) # convert to nanoseconds } sig = jwt.encode(payload, self.API_SECRET, algorithm='HS256', headers=headers) return sig.decode("utf-8") def _request(self, method, path, signed, **kwargs): data = kwargs.get('data', None) if signed: kwargs['headers'] = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self._create_signature()) } uri = self._create_uri(path) if method == 'get' and data: kwargs['params'] = kwargs['data'] del(kwargs['data']) if method == 'post' and data: kwargs['json'] = kwargs['data'] del(kwargs['data']) response = getattr(self.session, method)(uri, **kwargs) return self._handle_response(response) def _handle_response(self, response): """Internal helper for handling API responses from the Quoine server. Raises the appropriate exceptions when necessary; otherwise, returns the response. """ if not str(response.status_code).startswith('2'): raise BigoneAPIException(response) try: json = response.json() if 'msg' in json or 'errors' in json: raise BigoneAPIException(response) # by default return full response res = json # if it's a normal response we have a data attribute, return that if 'data' in json: res = json['data'] return res except ValueError: raise BigoneRequestException('Invalid Response: {}'.format(response.text)) def _get(self, path, signed=False, **kwargs): return self._request('get', path, signed, **kwargs) def _post(self, path, signed=False, **kwargs): return self._request('post', path, signed, **kwargs) def _put(self, path, signed=False, **kwargs): return self._request('put', path, signed, **kwargs) def _delete(self, path, signed=False, **kwargs): return self._request('delete', path, signed, **kwargs) # Account endpoints
[docs] def get_accounts(self): """List accounts of current user .. code:: python accounts = client.get_accounts() :return: list of dicts .. code:: python [ { "type": "account", "user_id": "5c1b7700-c903-41f8-9b4c-d78be9b2685d", "account_id": "7eb4201b-9ae8-450d-819a-1c7dfd272e3d", "account_type": "BTC", "account_name": "Bitcoin", "account_logo_url": "", "public_key": "16zy7YGERPEygQitMFaqP4afPJBZeo2WK6", "system_account": "", "active_balance": "0.00000000", "frozen_balance": "0.00000000", "estimated_btc_price": "1.00000000", "verification": "EMAIL_VERIFIED", "has_asset_pin": false }, { "type": "account", "user_id": "5c1b7700-c903-41f8-9b4c-d78be9b2685d", "account_id": "3d7c2353-add3-4e03-8637-c78e4d2b17cb", "account_type": "ETH", "account_name": "Ether", "account_logo_url": "", "public_key": "0xaefde180aae6e0916632dabfdd2f8733c8a03826", "system_account": "", "active_balance": "0.00000000", "frozen_balance": "0.00000000", "estimated_btc_price": "0.06500000", "verification": "EMAIL_VERIFIED", "has_asset_pin": false } ] :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ return self._get('viewer/accounts', True)
[docs] def get_account(self, currency): """Get account for a currency :param currency: Name of currency :type currency: str .. code:: python account = client.get_account('BTC') :return: dict .. code:: python { "type": "account", "user_id": "5c1b7700-c903-41f8-9b4c-d78be9b2685d", "account_id": "7eb4201b-9ae8-450d-819a-1c7dfd272e3d", "account_type": "BTC", "account_name": "Bitcoin", "account_logo_url": "", "public_key": "16zy7YGERPEygQitMFaqP4afPJBZeo2WK6", "system_account": "", "active_balance": "0.00000000", "frozen_balance": "0.00000000", "estimated_btc_price": "1.00000000", "verification": "EMAIL_VERIFIED", "has_asset_pin": false, "withdrawal": { "fee": "0.002", "fee_type": "BTC" }, "deposits": [], "withdrawals": [], "recipients": [] } :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ return self._get('accounts/{}'.format(currency), True)
# Market endpoints
[docs] def get_markets(self): """List markets .. code:: python markets = client.get_markets() :return: list of dicts .. code:: python [ { "uuid": "d2185614-50c3-4588-b146-b8afe7534da6", "quoteScale": 8, "quoteAsset": { "uuid": "0df9c3c3-255a-46d7-ab82-dedae169fba9", "symbol": "BTC", "name": "Bitcoin" }, "name": "BTG/BTC", "baseScale": 4, "baseAsset": { "uuid": "5df3b155-80f5-4f5a-87f6-a92950f0d0ff", "symbol": "BTG", "name": "Bitcoin Gold" } } ] :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ return self._get('markets')
[docs] def get_tickers(self): """List market tickers .. code:: python markets = client.get_tickers() :return: list of dicts .. code:: python [ { "volume": null, "open": "1.0000000000000000", "market_uuid": "ETH-EOS", "low": null, "high": null, "daily_change_perc": "0", "daily_change": "0E-16", "close": "1.0000000000000000", "bid": { "price": "1.0000000000000000", "amount": "106.0000000000000000" }, "ask": { "price": "45.0000000000000000", "amount": "4082.3283464000000000" } } ] :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ return self._get('tickers')
[docs] def get_ticker(self, symbol): """Get symbol market details :param symbol: Name of symbol :type symbol: str .. code:: python # using market ID market = client.get_ticker('ETH-BTC') # using market UUID market = client.get_ticker('d2185614-50c3-4588-b146-b8afe7534da6') :return: dict .. code:: python { "volume": null, "open": "42.0000000000000000", "market_uuid": "BTC-EOS", "low": "42.0000000000000000", "high": null, "daily_change_perc": "0", "daily_change": "0E-16", "close": "42.0000000000000000", "bid": { "price": "42.0000000000000000", "amount": "3.3336371100000000" }, "ask": { "price": "45.0000000000000000", "amount": "4082.3283464000000000" } } :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ return self._get('markets/{}/ticker'.format(symbol))
[docs] def get_order_book(self, symbol): """Get symbol market details :param symbol: Name of symbol :type symbol: str .. code:: python # Using market ID book = client.get_order_book('ETH-BTC') # Using market UUID book = client.get_order_book('d2185614-50c3-4588-b146-b8afe7534da6') :return: dict .. code:: python { "market_uuid": "BTC-EOS", "bids": [ { "price": "42", "order_count": 4, "amount": "23.33363711" } ], "asks": [ { "price": "45", "order_count": 2, "amount": "4193.3283464" } ] } :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ return self._get('markets/{}/depth'.format(symbol))
[docs] def get_market_trades(self, symbol, after=None, before=None, first=None, last=None): """Get market trades - max 50 :param symbol: Name of symbol :type symbol: str :param after: Return trades after this id :type after: int :param before: Return trades before this id :type before: int :param first: Slicing count :type first: int :param last: Slicing count :type last: int .. code:: python trades = client.get_market_trades('ETH-BTC') # using after trade ID trades = client.get_market_trades('ETH-BTC', after=1) # using first slice value trades = client.get_market_trades('ETH-BTC', first=20) :return: list of dicts .. code:: python { "edges": [ { "node": { "taker_side": "BID", "price": "46.1450000000000000", "market_uuid": "BTC-EOS", "id": 1, "amount": "0.2465480000000000" }, "cursor": "dGVzdGN1cmVzZQo=" } ], "page_info": { "end_cursor": "dGVzdGN1cmVzZQo=", "start_cursor": "dGVzdGN1cmVzZQo=", "has_next_page": true, "has_previous_page": false } } :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ data = {} if after: data['after'] = after if before: data['before'] = before if first: data['first'] = first if last: data['last'] = last return self._get('markets/{}/trades'.format(symbol), data=data)
# Order Endpoints
[docs] def create_order(self, symbol, side, price, amount): """Create a new order :param symbol: Name of symbol :type symbol: str :param side: side of order (BID or ASK) :type side: str :param price: Price as string :type price: str :param amount: Amount as string :type amount: str .. code:: python order = client.create_order('ETH-BTC', 'BID', '1.0', '1.0') :return: dict .. code:: python { "id": 10, "market_uuid": "BTC-EOS", "price": "10.00", "amount": "10.00", "filled_amount": "9.0", "avg_deal_price": "12.0", "side": "ASK", "state": "FILLED" } :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ data = { 'market_id': symbol, 'side': side, 'price': price, 'amount': amount } return self._post('viewer/orders', True, data=data)
[docs] def get_orders(self, symbol, after=None, before=None, first=None, last=None, side=None, state=None): """Get a list of orders :param symbol: Name of symbol :type symbol: str :param after: Return trades after this id :type after: int :param before: Return trades before this id :type before: int :param first: Slicing count :type first: int :param last: Slicing count :type last: int :param side: Order Side ASK|BID :type side: str :param state: Order State CANCELED|FILLED|PENDING :type state: str .. code:: python orders = client.get_orders('ETH-BTC') :return: dict .. code:: python { "edges": [ { "node": { "id": 10, "market_uuid": "d2185614-50c3-4588-b146-b8afe7534da6", "price": "10.00", "amount": "10.00", "filled_amount": "9.0", "avg_deal_price": "12.0", "side": "ASK", "state": "FILLED" }, "cursor": "dGVzdGN1cmVzZQo=" } ], "page_info": { "end_cursor": "dGVzdGN1cmVzZQo=", "start_cursor": "dGVzdGN1cmVzZQo=", "has_next_page": true, "has_previous_page": false } } :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ data = { 'market_id': symbol } if after: data['after'] = after if before: data['before'] = before if first: data['first'] = first if last: data['last'] = last if side: data['side'] = side if state: data['state'] = state return self._get('viewer/orders', True, data=data)
[docs] def get_order(self, order_id): """Get an order :param order_id: Id of order :type order_id: str .. code:: python orders = client.get_order('10') :return: dict .. code:: python { "id": 10, "market_uuid": "d2185614-50c3-4588-b146-b8afe7534da6", "price": "10.00", "amount": "10.00", "filled_amount": "9.0", "avg_deal_price": "12.0", "side": "ASK", "state": "FILLED" } :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ return self._get('viewer/orders/{}'.format(order_id), True)
[docs] def cancel_order(self, order_id): """Cancel an order :param order_id: Id of order :type order_id: str .. code:: python res = client.cancel_order('10') :return: dict .. code:: python {} :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ return self._post('viewer/orders/{}/cancel'.format(order_id), True)
[docs] def cancel_orders(self): """Cancel all orders .. code:: python res = client.cancel_orders() :return: dict .. code:: python {} :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ return self._post('viewer/orders/cancel_all', True)
# Trade endpoints
[docs] def get_trades(self, symbol=None, after=None, before=None, first=None, last=None): """Get a list of your trades :param symbol: Name of symbol :type symbol: str :type after: int :param before: Return trades before this id :type before: int :param first: Slicing count :type first: int :param last: Slicing count :type last: int .. code:: python trades = client.get_trades('ETH-BTC') :return: dict .. code:: python { "edges": [ { "node": { "viewer_side": "ASK" // ASK, BID, SELF_TRADING "taker_side": "BID", "price": "46.1450000000000000", "market_uuid": "BTC-EOS", "id": 1, "amount": "0.2465480000000000" }, "cursor": "dGVzdGN1cmVzZQo=" } ], "page_info": { "end_cursor": "dGVzdGN1cmVzZQo=", "start_cursor": "dGVzdGN1cmVzZQo=", "has_next_page": true, "has_previous_page": false } } :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ data = {} if symbol: data['market_id'] = symbol if after: data['after'] = after if before: data['before'] = before if first: data['first'] = first if last: data['last'] = last return self._get('viewer/trades', True, data=data)
# Withdraw endpoints
[docs] def withdrawals(self, first=None, after=None): """Get a list of withdrawals :param first: Slicing count :type first: str :param after: Return withdrawals after this value :type after: str .. code:: python withdrawal = client.withdrawals() :return: dict .. code:: python { "edges": [ { "node": { "id": 10, "customer_id": "ETH", "asset_uuid": "ETH", "amount": "5", "state": "CONFIRMED", "note": "2018-03-15T16:13:45.610463Z", "txid": "0x4643bb6b393ac20a6175c713175734a72517c63d6f73a3ca90a15356f2e967da0", "completed_at": "2018-03-15T16:13:45.610463Z", "inserted_at": "2018-03-15T16:13:45.610463Z", "is_internal": true, "target_address": "0x4643bb6b393ac20a6175c713175734a72517c63d6f7" }, "cursor": "dGVzdGN1cmVzZQo=" } ], "page_info": { "end_cursor": "dGVzdGN1cmVzZQo=", "start_cursor": "dGVzdGN1cmVzZQo=", "has_next_page": true, "has_previous_page": false } } :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ data = {} if after: data['after'] = after if first: data['first'] = first return self._get('viewer/withdrawals', True, data=data)
# Deposit endpoints
[docs] def get_deposits(self, first=None, after=None): """Get a list of deposits :param first: Slicing count :type first: str :param after: Return withdrawals after this value :type after: str .. code:: python # get all deposits deposits = client.get_deposits() # get BTC deposits deposits = client.get_deposits('BTC') :return: list of dicts .. code:: python [ { "type": "deposit", "deposit_id": "7b76603c-db87-4c4a-b36f-9981058d885e", "deposit_type": "ETH", "amount": "1.00000000", "confirmations": 2231, "state": "confirmed", "scanner_url": "", "created_at": "2017-09-06T07:53:41.297047856Z" } ] :raises: BigoneRequestException, BigoneAPIException """ data = {} if after: data['after'] = after if first: data['first'] = first return self._get('viewer/deposits', True, data=data)